Labels:dialog box | sky OCR: 2) He may pass a) in some variations of this awe6 player passes will first announce the expected value of his meld to his partner in units of by-mes bi -meez by-me equivalent to 10 points meld. For example player with points of me1d who P!p not wish raise the bid announce "two by-mees instead of announcing the value of hi: bid 25 points of meld be two pue half by-mees (however some circles half units of by-mees are not al1owed) in other vari iations player will always inform his partner of the expected value of his during his FIRST bid This done by raising the bid by point for each 10 points of meld In this scheme an opening bid of 50 indicates expect ted meld, but an opening bid of 52 indicates that the player has 20 meld in his hand Likewi se if the bid at 54 pue the next player bids LS ...